Our Story
2019: The NOSOLO idea was born.
Sarah and I collectively always had an urge to do more – to do something with purpose – not just for us, but something that would be meaningful to others, to strangers even.
While on our honeymoon in Croatia, we met so many amazing people. We spoke in length with one group in particular about lessons we have learned and goals we would like to accomplish, as partners in this hectic world of ours. We confided in them and discussed many different topics, including how cultures can differ but kindness should be transcendent. After this conversation with strangers, who then became friends, halfway across the globe, who shared common values and faced similar struggles, it resonated with us - nobody is ever truly alone.
Mental health is a reality that has directly affected us both and at times, can leave you feeling completely alone. We wanted to put an end to that. With Sarah’s as a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and my background in product & marketing, and both of us having a shared appreciation for casual fashion, it seemed natural to create a product tied to taking action on the Mental Health crisis impacting the lives of people in our own communities and all around the world.
Mental illness does not discriminate, pure and simple – no matter your age, your gender, your ethnicity, your bank account – nobody is immune. While this may be true, it is also true that nobody is alone in their struggles. Some – most people in fact – are going through the same or similar battles. Realizing this helped us land on the perfect name for our brand: NOSOLO. Nobody is alone.
we have chosen to donate 20% of all proceeds to NAMI due to their focused dedication to help others find their path to improved mental health. We ask you to support the NOSOLO brand and do your part to spread the word so that those who are struggling realize that we are here for them and no one will ever be alone.